Beyond Gangaridae an alliance with...!

Hola,It’s me!

What ho! Is there anybody awaiting me for lending a friendly hand?
This is Mohammad Khabir Uddin longing with great gusto for sharing my own philosophy and belief based on different thoughts, feelings and views gushing from millions of inquisitive minds scattered both nationally and internationally. Standing on the platform of Blogger’s world/Virtual Navigation I would like to add an iota of creative sense to the vast mind-frame of the whole humanity!

So, over there who would be to let me be
a member of the Virtual community!

Near my abode,
There is a City of Mirror
where lives my Neighbour
Alas so near,
yet I have failed my chance
to see Him even for once…


Let’s raise our voice, There where, Lurk the evil spirits making noise!



The modus operandi of this section would be brought into light only in English language — one of the three enriched tongues reflected in the blog-title ‘La Banglashire’ representing the thoughts of English speakers, French speakers and Bangla speakers throughout the world.


Le modus operandi de cette section ne serait mis en lumière qu’en français— l’une des trois langues enrichies reflétées dans le titre du blog “La Banglashire” représentant les pensées des Anglophones, des Francophones et des Banglaphones du monde entier.


এই শাখার কার্যপ্রণালী প্রকাশিত হবে কেবলই বাংলা ভাষায়— সারা বিশ্বের ইংরেজিভাষী ,ফরাসিভাষী ও বাংলাভাষীর চিন্তাধারার প্রতিনিধিত্বকারী ব্লগ “লা বাংলাশায়ার”- এর শিরোনামে প্রতিফলিত তিনটি সমৃদ্ধ ভাষার একটি।

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